Heavy metal bar in the heart of Nørrebro
A newspaper made and sold on the street by the homeless
Publish your own books, podcasts etc. – without a budget!
Underground fotographer with a differend take on the city
Coffee for you or your shop, own import, own roast, own everything, taking coffee geeking to a new level
Graphic and exhibition design, always with a new wild idea (like the D*A*D exhition in the National Museum)
Independent publishing + events about literature – off the beaten track
Almonds taken to a new level. Trust us: It's insane!
Singer-songwriter, spoken word and author who doesn't give a shit
Uncompromising Mexican food with a twist
Guided tours in Copenhagen – very different from what you'd expect. Forget the Mermaid and embrace real life.
Here is a guy who has disrupted bread delivery. Totally!
A weird independent café catering to expatriots – high quality stuff
History and culture dissemination turned upside down
Selling recycled clothes in a why-the-hell-not way. Not your typical "influencer": Her stuff is for sale, she's not!
MUJU & Co: Muslim and Jewish bikers riding into the sunset
Everything that Hard Rock Café should have been, but definitely isn't!
This place is for real!
Café – and more – made of shipping containers in Sthlm.
Malmö's best place for pizza and beer
Make your dream come true and run away with the circus. At least for a few nights... The owner is off the chart.
Stig is a geek and the museum just happened. As authentic as it can get!
Worldwide accessible
The history of the World, as told over a bottle of rum. Zero footnotes!
Viking facts without bullshit. Not a History class but no fantasies either. Get the answer to all your weird questions.
Who should be on the list? Send your suggestion to
Unless you get all five stars, you won't make the list!